Dental implants in the Maxilla (upper jaw) Denver Dentist
Dental implants in the upper jaw are not as statically successful as those implants placed in the lower jaw. Our Denver implants dentists seek to explain why this is seen in so many patients. The two reasons are the bone is not as hard (dense) and the maxillary sinus is frequently in the area. Dr. James DeLapp and Dr. H. Candace DeLapp are Denver dentists who also serve patients residing in the Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree, Castle Pines, Parker, Centennial and Greenwood Village area.
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Quality and Quantity of Maxillary Bone
When evaluation an area to place a dental implant our Denver dentist look for the area that will have the best quality and quantity of bone and is in a place that is appropriate. I certain instances it is readily apparent that the bone "appears" to be of sufficient quality and quantity to place a dental implant. If the area is lacking then a decision needs to be made whether to proceed with and implant or do you need to have some type of bone grafting in the area to improve the quality of the bone.
Maxillary sinus and Dental Implant Placement
For many (maybe even most) patients the sinus is only a consideration not necessarily a contraindication for dental implant placement. If the sinus balloons (pneumatization) your choice would be a sinus lift with bone grafting or choosing another way to replace the missing tooth.
Dental Implants Preserve Your Bone
When a tooth is extracted the bone resorbs (melts away) over time. It appears that the tooth root is a stimulus for preserving the bone in the area. Implant dentists have found that dental implants act similarly to the tooth root. Placing the dental implant and loading it (having it in function) preserves bone. One thing to consider if you choose to have a sinus lift and bone grafting you need to have the implant placed once healing has been accomplished. If you choose not to the bone may resorb away with time necessitating another sinus lift and bone graft.
Free initial consultation
If you would like to simply discuss your options please feel free to schedule a no-charge visit. At this visit we hope to answer most (but not all) of your questions. If you choose to proceed we would need to schedule a complete examination and radiographs (and implant x-rays) before proceeding. Please feel free to contact us at (303) 694-9740. If you would prefer to contact by e-mail please feel free to click the following link Denver Implant Dentistry.
Additional information
If you wish to read additional information on dental topics please see our companion web site by clicking on the following link Denver dental dental care library.
I would like to thank Scott Carvin of US web Central for his assistance in maintaining this dental blog. He can be reached by clicking on the following link Denver Search Engine Optimization
Please visit my blog for implant Cases
Dental implants in the upper jaw sounds interesting if it's not successful means it need alternate solutions!!!
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